Rick Cogley: Testing the New Canon D10 Waterproof P&S
Rick Cogley: Testing the New Canon D10 Waterproof P&S
Rick Cogley: Testing the New Canon D10 Waterproof P&S
Rick Cogley: Testing the New Canon D10 Waterproof P&S
Rick Cogley: Testing the New Canon D10 Waterproof P&S
Rick Cogley: Testing the New Canon D10 Waterproof P&S
Rick Cogley: Testing the New Canon D10 Waterproof P&S
Rick Cogley: Testing the New Canon D10 Waterproof P&S
Rick Cogley: Testing the New Canon D10 Waterproof P&S
Rick Cogley: Testing the New Canon D10 Waterproof P&S
Rick Cogley: JR Japan Rail at Totsuka - Cogley 2008
Rick Cogley: JR Japan Rail at Totsuka - Cogley 2008
Rick Cogley: JR Japan Rail - Cogley 2008
Rick Cogley: Testing the New Canon D10 Waterproof P&S
Rick Cogley: The Pipes...
Rick Cogley: Pipes
Rick Cogley: Side-view of Pillars and View of Retaining Concrete
Rick Cogley: Director of Traffic or Ballerina in Disguise?
Rick Cogley: Setting up the Drill
Rick Cogley: Setup of the Big Yellow Drill
Rick Cogley: Retaining Wall
Rick Cogley: Finishing up the retaining wall
Rick Cogley: Observing the Setup
Rick Cogley: Flying Staircase
Rick Cogley: Pillars and Retaining Wall
Rick Cogley: Keep Out From Under!
Rick Cogley: Finally Upwards
Rick Cogley: Hard Steel
Rick Cogley: Inoue-san on the Crane
Rick Cogley: Sekine-san Directs Site Traffic