Linda Strickland: eagle past bridge
Linda Strickland: red water lily
Dan Anderson.: minneapolis, mn minnesota downtown sunset
T Glow: Tanguá
[L] di .zuma: Adesso.
T Glow: cores do Brasil
T Glow: "champagne" ~~~happy new year ~~
tootdood: Decisions decisions
tootdood: School bus ?
T Glow: foggy morning
natureloving: Nightview of Château d'Azay-le-Rideau (Castle of Azay-le-Rideau) in Loire Valley, central of France
Sharpee: Photography and Photographer
natureloving: Garden of Versailles, Jardin du Chateau de Versailles (better viewed in large) Nature
w3inc / Bill: 197.365y2 - I thought this would hold me...
T Glow: nighT
natureloving: Sunflower on blue
tootdood: Day246 yr2 Who's bad?
Dan Anderson.: mickey's diner jukebox
T Glow: clouds & lighTs
James Jordan: Under the stars
Dan Anderson.: fast bike
Linda Strickland: crisscrossing sun beams
T Glow: lighT
T Glow: dolce viTa
T Glow: happy moThers´s day
Dan Anderson.: view master disk photo show
T Glow: blue green
hiskinho: H2O + Orange
natureloving: Crocosmia bokeh,,, HBW
T Glow: sTopped