Rick McGrath: smoke break
Rick McGrath: movie buff
Rick McGrath: he demanded I shoot him... so I did
Rick McGrath: why mannequins pose the way they do
Rick McGrath: is everyone here?
Rick McGrath: quantum girl puts her hand thru the wall
Rick McGrath: less is moore
Rick McGrath: no smoking
Rick McGrath: digging some scene
Rick McGrath: post-tragically hip
Rick McGrath: watch it, buddy
Rick McGrath: strutter
Rick McGrath: slightly perturbed
Rick McGrath: paint-ons
Rick McGrath: painter-onner
Rick McGrath: street bust
Rick McGrath: drawn to the sun
Rick McGrath: head shot
Rick McGrath: nah, it's nice... c'mon, man, the chicks are out like snakes on rocks...
Rick McGrath: double shot
Rick McGrath: Sex X Technology = The Future (JG Ballard)
Rick McGrath: surreal streets
Rick McGrath: chit chatters
Rick McGrath: blondie
Rick McGrath: rounding the curve
Rick McGrath: the bicameral mind
Rick McGrath: reflected glory
Rick McGrath: taking the girls for a sunny walk...
Rick McGrath: it wasn't like her to eavesdrop