Rick Leche: Zebra
Rick Leche: Golden Helicon
Rick Leche: Common Mormon
Rick Leche: Great Mormon
Rick Leche: Crimson Mormon
Rick Leche: Caterpiller Stage - Giant Owl Butterfly (5" long!)
Rick Leche: Giant Owl Butterfly & ID? (Yes, that thing that looks like a leaf is a Butterfly!)
Rick Leche: Brown Clipper
Rick Leche: White Tree Nymph
Rick Leche: Common Mormon (Female)
Rick Leche: Golden Helicon
Rick Leche: Brown Clipper
Rick Leche: White Tree Nymph
Rick Leche: White Tree Nymph
Rick Leche: _MG_4870
Rick Leche: Mocker Swallowtail
Rick Leche: Common Mormon