rick020200: Preparing the track
rick020200: Preparing the track
rick020200: Proud Tiger Cub and Dad
rick020200: Test run
rick020200: Weigh-in
rick020200: The Cars
rick020200: The Cars
rick020200: The Cars
rick020200: The crowd before the race
rick020200: Cubmaster explaining the rules
rick020200: Proud cub with his car
rick020200: The Cars
rick020200: Racing!
rick020200: Racing!
rick020200: Celebrating a victory
rick020200: Racing!
rick020200: Racing!
rick020200: Racing!
rick020200: Racing!
rick020200: Racing!
rick020200: Racing!
rick020200: Racing!
rick020200: The Race Masters
rick020200: Racing!
rick020200: A heat getting ready to start
rick020200: The final heat, ready to go
rick020200: The final results
rick020200: All the cars