rick020200: 2006-10-14 Renaissance Festival 002
rick020200: Flags over the entry
rick020200: Crystals in the sun
rick020200: Minstrels
rick020200: Vikings
rick020200: Lost vikings hoard
rick020200: Sir Nathan, Knight of the Realm
rick020200: Start of the Parade
rick020200: God Save the Queen
rick020200: Parade
rick020200: Parade
rick020200: Sir Brian
rick020200: Lances
rick020200: Pirate Ship
rick020200: Neptune on the Pirate Ship
rick020200: Parade
rick020200: Ready to watch the Joust
rick020200: Lady of the Realm
rick020200: Queen
rick020200: Sir Shane
rick020200: Sir Shane
rick020200: Dragon, the horse
rick020200: Sir Brian, getting ready
rick020200: Sir William
rick020200: Sir William, ready to joust
rick020200: Sir Brian, ready to joust
rick020200: Jousting
rick020200: Sir Brian, after the win
rick020200: Naughty Navels
rick020200: Naughty navels