Ric Lander:
Edynburgum, 1649 (detail)
Ric Lander:
Edynburgum, 1649
Ric Lander:
Bicycle Corps at Minerva Terrace, Yellowstone National Park, 1897
Ric Lander:
Shortest Path Tree of San Francisco for Bicycle Travel
Ric Lander:
RMS Olympic with Dazzle Paint
Ric Lander:
Ric Lander:
Ric Lander:
Crunch the News, Fringe Show, 2012
Ric Lander:
Roller Derby, 1948
Ric Lander:
Careers Game Board, 1955
Ric Lander:
James Murray, Lexicographer
Ric Lander:
Waverley Market, Edinburgh
Ric Lander:
"Coronation" and "Coronation Scot" Billboard, 1938
Ric Lander:
Edinburgh Fringe Programmes, 2012
Ric Lander:
Misery Lake EP
Ric Lander:
Anna Gibb's Glasgow (crop)
Ric Lander:
Anna Gibb's Glasgow
Ric Lander:
Canada in Cardiff
Ric Lander:
Wildscreen '82
Ric Lander:
A Christmas Concert
Ric Lander:
Edinburgh by South Park
Ric Lander:
Bella Caledonia Lego
Ric Lander:
Winter Feast
Ric Lander:
Ric Lander:
Story of Stuff Crowd
Ric Lander:
Craigmillar Castle
Ric Lander:
Botanics Allotments Event
Ric Lander:
Raspberry Special
Ric Lander:
WPA Poster
Ric Lander:
The Massacre of Peterloo