Ric Lander: Tarnished Earth Exhibition at the Royal Botanical Gardens
Ric Lander: Bicycle Powered Cinema at the Royal Botanical Gardens
Ric Lander: Bicycle Powered Cinema at the Royal Botanical Gardens
Ric Lander: Bicycle Powered Cinema at the Royal Botanical Gardens
Ric Lander: Bicycle Powered Cinema at the Royal Botanical Gardens
Ric Lander: Bicycle Powered Cinema at the Royal Botanical Gardens
Ric Lander: Bike Powered Cinema in Transit
Ric Lander: Burning Ice Screening at Edinburgh University
Ric Lander: Burning Ice Screening at Edinburgh University
Ric Lander: Andrew Sole and Peter Nienow's Photo Exhibition at Edinburgh University
Ric Lander: World Food Day Celebration, Edinburgh
Ric Lander: World Food Day Celebration, Edinburgh
Ric Lander: World Food Day Celebration, Edinburgh
Ric Lander: World Food Day Celebration, Edinburgh
Ric Lander: World Food Day Celebration, Edinburgh
Ric Lander: Manufactured Landscapes discussion
Ric Lander: Manufactured Landscapes discussion
Ric Lander: Dr. Xiaobai Shen
Ric Lander: Abundance & Take One Action