Ric Lander: View from Bønntuva
Ric Lander: Waiting for the bus
Ric Lander: Ersfjorden
Ric Lander: Ersfjordenbotn
Ric Lander: Reindeer at Tromsø University
Ric Lander: Ruth Slides!
Ric Lander: The Cafe
Ric Lander: Vigeland Sculpture Park
Ric Lander: The Boat House
Ric Lander: Snippet
Ric Lander: Continents of ice
Ric Lander: Blue and white
Ric Lander: IMG_3354_1
Ric Lander: IMG_3368_1
Ric Lander: IMG_3518_1
Ric Lander: IMG_3575_1
Ric Lander: IMG_3580_1
Ric Lander: tromso_panorama_flattened