RichSo: Crossing the upper lake
RichSo: Sunny breaks
RichSo: Spot the skiers
RichSo: Short bootpack up
RichSo: Little dog, big dog
RichSo: Dropping down
RichSo: Maddy approves of the snow quality
RichSo: Alex too
RichSo: Cam's turn down Heartstring
RichSo: Ali getting faceshots
RichSo: Silent T
RichSo: Skinning up Taylor
RichSo: Round 2
RichSo: This is what trip planning looks like.
RichSo: Oh, let's go ski that. Maybe.
RichSo: Ali checks out the upper entrance. The rest of us went from here.
RichSo: Snow was lumpy inside the couloir
RichSo: And much better below
RichSo: Much better
RichSo: Greg points the way to the Birthday Chute
RichSo: Always a crusty day
RichSo: Harrison on Vantage Ridge
RichSo: Rando time
RichSo: Light flurries as we descended Cheque's in the Mail
RichSo: Just like Japan.
RichSo: The "Backcountry Boys"