RichSo: Susie
RichSo: Ned
RichSo: Backcountry Limbo
RichSo: Tight Trees
RichSo: Watch out for the bottomless treewells
RichSo: Extra poles anybody?
RichSo: Our Highpoint
RichSo: Paul descending
RichSo: Susie
RichSo: Kristen in powder
RichSo: Susie sending
RichSo: Saar mid-flight
RichSo: Ned mid-flight
RichSo: Saar skiing off Rohr Ridge
RichSo: Ned contemplating his line
RichSo: Cold Smoke
RichSo: Ned
RichSo: Paul
RichSo: Susie
RichSo: Ned
RichSo: Susie
RichSo: Paul
RichSo: Pillow Garden
RichSo: Pillow Garden
RichSo: DSC_2337
RichSo: Ned
RichSo: Saar
RichSo: Susie
RichSo: DSC_2357
RichSo: Converts and Elements