RichSeattle: Relaxed close up
RichSeattle: Water off a ducks back
RichSeattle: What has two tails, four ears and more green then brown?
RichSeattle: Twig sitter
RichSeattle: Home maker
RichSeattle: What's up cracker
RichSeattle: Splashdown!
RichSeattle: Lonely waiter
RichSeattle: OMG DAD!
RichSeattle: Half cocked
RichSeattle: Classic Tongue
RichSeattle: Lets get this party started
RichSeattle: Switching to reserve battery
RichSeattle: Tongue powa!
RichSeattle: Streamlined reverse course
RichSeattle: Ahhh, its chasing me!
RichSeattle: Streamlined
RichSeattle: Crash landing
RichSeattle: Hit the brakes!!
RichSeattle: Frozen feathers
RichSeattle: Taking cover
RichSeattle: If I could fly higher then an eagle
RichSeattle: Here comes dasher or prancer
RichSeattle: Engage to warp!
RichSeattle: Winter finch
RichSeattle: Hidden away.
RichSeattle: Mouthful
RichSeattle: Too much energy, going to explode!!!!