Rich Mix: Ice abstract #1
Rich Mix: P1020385.jpg
Rich Mix: Apple Bobbing
Rich Mix: Shropshire Bedlams
Rich Mix: Shropshire Bedlams
Rich Mix: Greta Bondesson of Baskery
Rich Mix: Ironmen and Severn Gilders Morris
Rich Mix: Jim Moray
Rich Mix: Wood duck vs Mandarin duck
Rich Mix: Mandarin ducks
Rich Mix: Under Mother Goose's wing ... just!
Rich Mix: Canada Goose gosling
Rich Mix: Centre Point in the morning sunlight
Rich Mix: Hooded Merganser (m) - Lophodytes cucullatus
Rich Mix: Wood duck(m) - Aix sponsa
Rich Mix: A pelican yawns
Rich Mix: St David's Day
Rich Mix: Barnacle Goose
Rich Mix: Pick me, Pick me!
Rich Mix: A Greedy Herring Gull
Rich Mix: Red Crested Pochard
Rich Mix: Smew (Isn't this the prettiest duck ever?)
Rich Mix: Heron head-on