richyempire: foxglove and bee 20130703-IMG_1376 week twenty seven
richyempire: Foxglove and bee 20130703-IMG_1337.jpg
richyempire: Foxglove and bee 20130703-IMG_1312.jpg
richyempire: Foxglove and bee 20130703-IMG_1307.jpg
richyempire: Foxglove and bee 20130703-IMG_1301.jpg
richyempire: Foxglove and bee 20130703-IMG_1299.jpg
richyempire: Foxglove and a dying bee 20130703-IMG_1297.jpg
richyempire: Foxglove and bee 20130703-IMG_1282.jpg
richyempire: Foxglove and bee 20130703-IMG_1280.jpg