RichBielby: Trafalger Square
RichBielby: Houston Airport
RichBielby: Arizona mountains
RichBielby: Tucson from the air
RichBielby: Tucson Airport
RichBielby: Waffles
RichBielby: Welcome to Kitt Peak
RichBielby: Digger
RichBielby: Telescope world
RichBielby: Mayall again
RichBielby: IMG00402
RichBielby: North East view
RichBielby: Roadway
RichBielby: Mayall 4-meter
RichBielby: Mayall 4 meter
RichBielby: NSO across the plains
RichBielby: Along the ridge
RichBielby: Steward telescope
RichBielby: Road to the west
RichBielby: Below the Mayall 4 metre
RichBielby: NSO at sunrise 1
RichBielby: Sunrise from Kitt Peak
RichBielby: NSO at sunrise
RichBielby: Hills to the South-East
RichBielby: Mayall 4 meter at Kitt Peak
RichBielby: Mayall 4 meter
RichBielby: Control room
RichBielby: Tom in control