RichHaig: The man who put it all together - Paul Hoff
RichHaig: Hoff 2nd cousin family reunion
RichHaig: Old Weathered Barn - Chaseburg
RichHaig: Patty and Dana at the Hoff Farm
RichHaig: Dana and farm fresh corn
RichHaig: Hoffiland Dairy
RichHaig: Hoff Farm
RichHaig: Family reunion
RichHaig: Mississippi River - La Crosse
RichHaig: La Crosse Eagle
RichHaig: La Crosse Eagle
RichHaig: Hoff Farm - Hoff Lane
RichHaig: Lower Coon Valley Lutheran Church
RichHaig: Old Norwegian Bible - Lower Coon Valley Church
RichHaig: Lower Coon Valley Lutheran Chruch - 1859
RichHaig: Nancy - pointing out the obvious !
RichHaig: Dana, Nancy and Randy
RichHaig: Rich and Dana
RichHaig: Kenny Johnson
RichHaig: Can anyone say ' Green Acres' ?
RichHaig: Say 'cheese'
RichHaig: Gail, Dana, Nancy & Grace
RichHaig: Dana, Randy, Rich & Nancy
RichHaig: Amanda, Daniel & Susie
RichHaig: Kevin, Kenny & Amanda
RichHaig: Kevin & Kenny
RichHaig: Not everyone was quite ready...
RichHaig: Richard, Arlene & Grace
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RichHaig: 20120721-DSC_3696.jpg