e dog: The ferry crossing to Koh Kong
e dog: Ah, dramatic skies at Shinoukville
e dog: Ah, more dramatic skies at Shinoukville
e dog: Tourist activites at Shinoukville
e dog: tourista at Shinoukville
e dog: fill 'er up
e dog: James the giant
e dog: Cambodia scene
e dog: on the way to Bokor Station
e dog: The Palace in its hey day
e dog: Church at Bokor Station
e dog: On the edge of the world
e dog: Bokor Station, building ghost
e dog: James and the giant door
e dog: Palace at Bokor
e dog: casino in the mist
e dog: Lovin the Lichen
e dog: Palace
e dog: water tower in the distance
e dog: Casino
e dog: A long way up
e dog: Lichen
e dog: Lichen everywhere!
e dog: road stop
e dog: restaurant on Rabbit Island
e dog: $6 abode on Rabbit Island
e dog: Crabs for lunch
e dog: Fishing crew
e dog: the boss
e dog: Catch of the day... everyday.