reckless race to Christmas
advent moon
reaching for the stars.....
just like the one's I used to know
in bondage to shopping.....
stars of wonder, stars of light
feliz navi-wrap
the finishing touch
kimono-clad tree baubles
who's behind the glitter?
Life Rule # 77: Never overload electrical outlets when decorating your home.....
dandy cane
running late.......
macy's: charge we can believe in
detail disoriented........
Modesty is a shining light; it prepares the mind to receive knowledge, and the heart for truth. Madam Guizot
Jessie and my tree
at the gate of the apthorp
destination: Christmas
its weight in gold.......
sightseeing santa
the tree at Washington Square Park
9th avenue lobby Christmas tree
have a cool yule
what does Santa have against adults???