richard.siemens: Looking back
richard.siemens: I see you
richard.siemens: Fall show
richard.siemens: Striped Lego
richard.siemens: Heading home after the show
richard.siemens: Trot to K
richard.siemens: Horses are people too
richard.siemens: Tara and Lego on Pine backdrop
richard.siemens: Ebony and Ivory
richard.siemens: Girth buckles
richard.siemens: Early bloomer
richard.siemens: Old tree
richard.siemens: Lady on horse with man
richard.siemens: <Shakes Head>
richard.siemens: Circle to the right
richard.siemens: Random dressage contestant
richard.siemens: Lego and Tara head on
richard.siemens: Dressage strategy session
richard.siemens: Button up
richard.siemens: Tara against clouds