richard.siemens: Mr. King's veins
richard.siemens: Three horses
richard.siemens: Surcingle Blur
richard.siemens: Sleepy Time
richard.siemens: Nose at Dusk
richard.siemens: HokeyPokey
richard.siemens: Looking to the corner
richard.siemens: Few days old
richard.siemens: Bridal path snack
richard.siemens: I see you
richard.siemens: Tackin' up
richard.siemens: Who are you?
richard.siemens: Fine looking young man
richard.siemens: Two heads
richard.siemens: Out of the stirrup
richard.siemens: Fence smells good
richard.siemens: Horses and flare
richard.siemens: Ready to ride
richard.siemens: I don't think I know you
richard.siemens: Last class of the day
richard.siemens: Lunge lesson
richard.siemens: Lego running to Tara
richard.siemens: Bath time 1
richard.siemens: Bath time 2
richard.siemens: Quick hack
richard.siemens: Trotting poles
richard.siemens: Arena work 5
richard.siemens: Arena work 6