Dicky Short:
64 bats
Dicky Short:
12 bats (sample from 64 bats)
Dicky Short:
Dicky Short:
Brazil 1970
Dicky Short:
The Velvet Underground
Dicky Short:
Cuckoo Press cover
Dicky Short:
Pen Pusher 10 cover
Dicky Short:
Hog Race
Dicky Short:
not sure, something gross
Dicky Short:
The Humms EP front
Dicky Short:
The Humms EP back
Dicky Short:
"Supa Blob" for 'Streetwise', a charity.
Dicky Short:
New comic page
Dicky Short:
lige claire Joyce
Dicky Short:
ligne claire Lem
Dicky Short:
ligne claire Cavafy
Dicky Short:
ligne claire Walser