Richard.L.1983: Ground Zero shot
Richard.L.1983: Ground Zero
Richard.L.1983: FDR Drive
Richard.L.1983: East Village from ESB
Richard.L.1983: Wall Street energy
Richard.L.1983: Fall in the Village
Richard.L.1983: East Village
Richard.L.1983: Roof (Jazz on the town hostel)
Richard.L.1983: East Village roofs
Richard.L.1983: Singapore Café
Richard.L.1983: Singapore Café, "Shrimps with Lobster Sauce"
Richard.L.1983: Little Italy
Richard.L.1983: Chinatown
Richard.L.1983: Museum of Natural History
Richard.L.1983: @ Wechsler's Currywurst, East Village
Richard.L.1983: Brooklyn Bridge from FDR Drive
Richard.L.1983: Financial District
Richard.L.1983: Staten Island Ferry
Richard.L.1983: The Beekman
Richard.L.1983: Municipal Building
Richard.L.1983: From Brooklyn Bridge
Richard.L.1983: Lower East Side from Brooklyn Bridge
Richard.L.1983: Brooklyn Bridge
Richard.L.1983: View from Brooklyn Bridge to Manhattan
Richard.L.1983: Brooklyn Bridge
Richard.L.1983: Madison Square Garden
Richard.L.1983: Angus Third Pounder Mushrooms & Swiss
Richard.L.1983: Bundesliga @ Nevada Smith's
Richard.L.1983: Gramercy