richardmurphyarchitects: Approach to the entrance
richardmurphyarchitects: Reception desk
richardmurphyarchitects: One of two central garden courtyards
richardmurphyarchitects: Typical ward garden
richardmurphyarchitects: Staff courtyard shared between two wards
richardmurphyarchitects: Bedroom bay window seat
richardmurphyarchitects: Typical bedroom
richardmurphyarchitects: Masterplan and landscape plan
richardmurphyarchitects: Ground floor plan; Red- reception and central facilities; Light blue -PICU; Dark blue - dementia; Green - services; Purple Pairs of 20bed acute wards; Yellow - nominal phase 2 two 20 bed wards; Light brown - rehabilitation; Dark grey - addiction.
richardmurphyarchitects: Typical 20 bed acute ward plan