The Surfin` Chef: VW Day one ......... Rich has parked up :-)
The Surfin` Chef: As bought ... lettering to remove...taking longer than anticipated
The Surfin` Chef: As bought
The Surfin` Chef: Panels and floor out
The Surfin` Chef: Pete the teacher
The Surfin` Chef: Bulkhead out
The Surfin` Chef: Shiny shiny .....
The Surfin` Chef: FlashbandTape 1
The Surfin` Chef: FlashbandTape 2
The Surfin` Chef: Insulation 1
The Surfin` Chef: insulation 4
The Surfin` Chef: Insulation 5
The Surfin` Chef: insulation 6
The Surfin` Chef: Full steam ahead ish ...
The Surfin` Chef: One panel to go ... insulation all done .... acoustic matting /wall carpeting next
The Surfin` Chef: Carpet complete apart from minor areas ..... glue died on me ....
The Surfin` Chef: Time for a wee run to the north coast .... ickle summer surf :)
The Surfin` Chef: Limo style
The Surfin` Chef: Sounds in the Boot - Selecta
The Surfin` Chef: LED working
The Surfin` Chef: Surf Cam sorted ..... crew on board ... Lei in place..... c`mon the summer swells.
The Surfin` Chef: Ceiling preped for sticker mayhem
The Surfin` Chef: Stickers start .........
The Surfin` Chef: Interior Surf Rack
The Surfin` Chef: Arrives next week ....
The Surfin` Chef: Red and Green .......