Richard McGuire: A smoke storm brewing
Richard McGuire: Fog and smoke
Richard McGuire: B.C. is idle free
Richard McGuire: Bluff Lake
Richard McGuire: Bluff Lake
Richard McGuire: Chipmunks are less skittish than birds
Richard McGuire: Wildfire smoke approaching
Richard McGuire: A smoke storm brewing
Richard McGuire: A smoke storm brewing
Richard McGuire: A smoke storm brewing
Richard McGuire: Wildfire after wildfire
Richard McGuire: Heckman Pass
Richard McGuire: "The Hill" - first hairpin
Richard McGuire: Steep drop
Richard McGuire: Stopped at the pullout
Richard McGuire: The switchback below
Richard McGuire: Narrow stretch
Richard McGuire: Travelling hotel
Richard McGuire: Atnarko Valley
Richard McGuire: Mccall Flats
Richard McGuire: Clear evening in the mountains
Richard McGuire: Golden evening
Richard McGuire: Smoky sunrise
Richard McGuire: Abandoned fish cannery
Richard McGuire: Bella Coola Harbour
Richard McGuire: Abandoned fish cannery
Richard McGuire: Bald eagle at Clayton Falls Creek
Richard McGuire: Mountains
Richard McGuire: Clayton Falls
Richard McGuire: Stream bed