Richard McCoy: Siefert Eresco 200 MFR3.1 200kV/600W air cooled x-ray tube and stand
Richard McCoy: Siefert Eresco 200 MFR3.1 200kV/600W air cooled x-ray tube overview
Richard McCoy: Siefert Eresco 200 MFR3.1 200kV/600W air cooled x-ray tube detail
Richard McCoy: Siefert Eresco 200 MFR3.1 200kV/600W air cooled x-ray tube controler
Richard McCoy: IMA's Geiger Counter
Richard McCoy: Cabinet of Film Radiographs
Richard McCoy: Film Radiograph of 60.24 "You" being displayed on a traditional light box showing side view
Richard McCoy: IMA's 14" x 17" reusable phosphor imaging plate in my hand
Richard McCoy: IMA's 14" x 17" reusable phosphour imaging plate
Richard McCoy: Getting ready to radiograph the "you" from the side
Richard McCoy: Getting ready to radiograph the "you" from the side
Richard McCoy: Preparing to radiogaph down through 60.24 "You"
Richard McCoy: IMA's GE CR50P Film Scanner (with film ready to be scanned).
Richard McCoy: CR Radiograph of 60.24, "You"
Richard McCoy: Film Radiograph of 60.24 "You" being displayed on a traditional light box showing down view
Richard McCoy: CR Radiograph of 60.24, "You"
Richard McCoy: CR Radiograph of 60.24, "You"
Richard McCoy: Inspecting and comparing the images of 60.24 "You"
Richard McCoy: IMA's Computer Radiography Imaging Station showing 60.24 "You"
Richard McCoy: IMA's Computer Radiography Imaging Station showing 60.24 "You"
Richard McCoy: Radiograph of 60.24 "You" Detail Inside
Richard McCoy: Radiograph of 60.24 "You" Detail Inside
Richard McCoy: Radiograph of 60.24 "You" Detail Inside
Richard McCoy: Radiograph of 60.24 "You" Detail Side View
Richard McCoy: Radiograph of 60.24 "You" Detail Side View
Richard McCoy: Epson Pro Stylus 3800 Printer
Richard McCoy: Epson Pro Sytlus 3800 Printer
Richard McCoy: Epson Pro Sytlus 3800 Printer
Richard McCoy: Epson Pro Sytlus 3800 Printer
Richard McCoy: Epson Pro Sytlus 3800 Printer