richardjharris: yellow penguins
richardjharris: whoa back off
richardjharris: very nice park
richardjharris: train line!
richardjharris: this guy has a testicle for a head
richardjharris: this beer is bigger than feroz is
richardjharris: the councillor's platter
richardjharris: statue vs reality
richardjharris: some big-ass square
richardjharris: smart parking
richardjharris: skull church - skull detail
richardjharris: skull church - shield
richardjharris: skull church graves
richardjharris: skull church - goblet
richardjharris: skull church - corner
richardjharris: skull church - ceiling
richardjharris: six beers in the chamber
richardjharris: secret czech lunch menu
richardjharris: salt and sepper
richardjharris: RIDICULOUS drink prices
richardjharris: relaxin'
richardjharris: racist shop
richardjharris: pretty boss chest of drawers
richardjharris: prague from higher above
richardjharris: prague from atop the castle walls