Richard Gottardo: Confused.
Richard Gottardo: Birdzilla
Richard Gottardo: i believe its some kind of gull... from the sea
Richard Gottardo: Peanut being a good sport
Richard Gottardo: Citizen Kane
Richard Gottardo: Bat Country
Richard Gottardo: waiting for the elevator
Richard Gottardo: Sick Kane
Richard Gottardo: ... who sleeps like this?? haha
Richard Gottardo: Have you ever wondered if there was more to life, other than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?
Richard Gottardo: well... why not
Richard Gottardo: boredom.. you are a cruel bastard
Richard Gottardo: Mr. Miyagi
Richard Gottardo: Milk-Bone Shower
Richard Gottardo: yup, thats a nose alright
Richard Gottardo: AARRGGGHHHHH!!
Richard Gottardo: sarcastickane