richardfburgh: First Inning, Renegades pitching
richardfburgh: Aberdeen Iron Birds on offense
richardfburgh: Aberdeen Pitching
richardfburgh: Renegades on offense
richardfburgh: Iron Birds runner tags up
richardfburgh: Past third base
richardfburgh: D'oh!
richardfburgh: Renegades pitcher
richardfburgh: Strategising on the pitcher's mound
richardfburgh: Dutchess Stadium
richardfburgh: Debating society
richardfburgh: Fireworks 1
richardfburgh: Fireworks 2
richardfburgh: Fireworks 3
richardfburgh: Fireworks 4
richardfburgh: Fireworks 5
richardfburgh: Fireworks 6
richardfburgh: Fireworks 7
richardfburgh: Fog of war
richardfburgh: Fog of war, pt. II