Richard X: Van life - pre Kinross Sportive
Richard X: Helen & the Van
Richard X: Off to the hills
Richard X: By Loch Laggan
Richard X: View from the Van #1
Richard X: View from the Van #2
Richard X: Van detail #1
Richard X: Van detail #2
Richard X: Van interior #1
Richard X: Van interior #2
Richard X: Return from the hills
Richard X: Levelled off
Richard X: River Pattack
Richard X: Sausages!
Richard X: Route of the Beauly Denny power line
Richard X: Forest paths
Richard X: Druim an Aird
Richard X: Paths around Druim an Aird
Richard X: River Pattack
Richard X: Lunch
Richard X: River Tay at Balnamuir
Richard X: Lunch stop