Richard X: Maillot jaune - start of the 'caravan'
Richard X: Booty
Richard X: Dog and tyres
Richard X: Le Tombeur
Richard X: Leading bunch
Richard X: The chase
Richard X: Peleton #5
Richard X: Maillot bunting
Richard X: Sunset over the Col du Tourmalet (and toilet)
Richard X: Bar on the Col d'Aspin
Richard X: Morning ablutions
Richard X: The Ricore van arrives
Richard X: Yougest rider (so far)
Richard X: The caravan begins
Richard X: Freebies
Richard X: Gathering crowd #15
Richard X: Gathering crowd #16
Richard X: Riders #3: Yellow Jersey (Contador)
Richard X: Cheering crowds #3
Richard X: TV helicopter
Richard X: Riders #6
Richard X: Riders #8: Cavendish group
Richard X: Big screen in La Mongie
Richard X: Riders from above
Richard X: Road writing on Col du Tourmalet
Richard X: Spectators heading up the Tourmalet
Richard X: Commentry booth
Richard X: Pic d'Espade
Richard X: Summit team?
Richard X: Caravan #1