Richard X: Market day in Saint Girons
Richard X: My dad's mental!
Richard X: Rikk clears lunch
Richard X: Pete and sheep dog
Richard X: Flower pot face
Richard X: Moulis
Richard X: Prep for party #1
Richard X: Prep for party #2
Richard X: Dalila briefs the troops
Richard X: Dalila & mini-chateau Pouech
Richard X: Wot's that?
Richard X: 6 beer bottles
Richard X: ‘Bar at the Chateau Pouech’ homage to Manet
Richard X: Mini-chateau Pouech
Richard X: A case of wine (and beer)
Richard X: So it begins
Richard X: At the bar
Richard X: DJ BBQ (aka Pete)
Richard X: The sausage miester
Richard X: En fete at the Chateau
Richard X: Later...
Richard X: Bart finds the BBQ grill
Richard X: ...later still...
Richard X: On the bales
Richard X: Bale surfer
Richard X: ...end of the night