Rich & Sue Meyrick:
Diamond Head & Waikiki, O'ahu
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
'Ilio Point, our first glimpse of Moloka'i
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
Moloka'i: the emptiest island we've ever visited
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
Our inter-island airliner!
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
Jaspa and friends at the Kalaupapa lookout, Palau'au State Park
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
Dawn view of Lana'i from our hotel
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
The Halawa Valley
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
Mouth of the Halawa River
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
Scooby Doo church ruin, Halawa Valley
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
View across the Kalobi Channel towards Lana'i
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
View northeast along the coast near Twenty-Mile Beach
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
Fisherman and the Kalobi Channel
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
'Ili'iliopae Heiau (temple) appears through the undergrowth
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
The platform of 'Ili'iliopae Heiau
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
The Kamakou Rain Forest cloaked in rain clouds
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
Pristine beach near the semi-deserted resort at Kaluako'i
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
Wotcha got there?
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
Rich literally nearly stepped on this guy
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
View towards O'ahu across Kawakiu Bay, from near 'Ilio Point
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
Another lonely resident of Moloka'i's west coast
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
He was still there on the way back (and evidently unhappy at being woken again)
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
Stormclouds gathering over the sea west of Maunaloa
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
Maunaloa residents
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
Sunrise beneath a banyan tree, with Lana'i in the distance
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
Doesn't this just make you think of Hawai'i Five-O?
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
Kalaupapa Mule Tour stables
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
This is what we came for!
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
There's not doubting Smokey has a mind of her own!
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
The start of the Kalaupapa Trail proper
Rich & Sue Meyrick:
The Kalaupapa Trail, with the Kalaupapa Peninsula (our destination) beyond