rsh_945: helper
rsh_945: top of the silo
rsh_945: ygal1
rsh_945: ygal2
rsh_945: Sandhill Cranes stacking up for a landing in front of Mt. Diablo
rsh_945: landing in silhouette
rsh_945: geese over Diablo
rsh_945: bird
rsh_945: cranes over the field
rsh_945: sunset
rsh_945: birds every where
rsh_945: kalidasnake
rsh_945: snake 1
rsh_945: snake 2
rsh_945: lizard 2
rsh_945: volunteers - they taught origami
rsh_945: quilt detail 1
rsh_945: bird 2
rsh_945: birds 3
rsh_945: bird 4
rsh_945: barn owl
rsh_945: red eyed owl
rsh_945: owl 2
rsh_945: ygal3
rsh_945: pensive
rsh_945: leaves