Rich G2012:
Folly Roundabout under construction
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Chantry shopping centre under construction
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Demollishion West street Andover
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Demollishion of Toni's Cafe.
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Demollishion of old West Street Andover
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Diana Dors opens Andover Carnival
Rich G2012:
Diana Dors opens Andover Carnival
Rich G2012:
Crossways Andover. approx 1970
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Andover Town Station?
Rich G2012:
Andover Road Run 1960
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The Level crossing gates close for the last time
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Pupils East Street School Andover 1910
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Andover St. John Ambulance Brigade Circa 1954
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Charlton School, Andover 1918
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Pupils of Charlton School Andover, circa 1922
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Charlton School, Andover 1924
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Bridge Street Andover circa 1950
Rich G2012:
High Street Andover Circa 1950
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River Anton Andover circa 1950
Rich G2012:
Bridge Street Andover circa 1950
Rich G2012:
Westover United Football team 1920/21
Rich G2012:
Pratts workers at the yard bottom of Old Winton Road Andover.
Rich G2012:
Andover Carnival 1948. Junior Jazz Band.
Rich G2012:
North Andover Home Guard. 1944
Rich G2012:
VJ Celebrations Mylen Road and Ferndale Road residents. Andover 1945
Rich G2012:
Beale and Son's outing. Andover circa 1920
Rich G2012:
Andover and District Methodist Womens Guild Outing circa 1920