Rich Childs:
walking on the moon
Rich Childs:
tongariro view
Rich Childs:
Rich Childs:
Rich Childs:
steam and rocks
Rich Childs:
snap me
Rich Childs:
smoking wall
Rich Childs:
should've worn sunnies
Rich Childs:
scree running
Rich Childs:
Rich Childs:
ruapehu grass
Rich Childs:
red walls
Rich Childs:
red crater
Rich Childs:
Rich Childs:
orange moon
Rich Childs:
moon path
Rich Childs:
man the robot
Rich Childs:
lookout the ghost is coming
Rich Childs:
look at the lake!
Rich Childs:
'irish' brian
Rich Childs:
i aint going up there
Rich Childs:
heading up
Rich Childs:
happy mark
Rich Childs:
emerald lake
Rich Childs:
edge of ngauruhoe
Rich Childs:
creeping steam
Rich Childs:
'craters of the moon'
Rich Childs:
Rich Childs:
close lake
Rich Childs:
can you take the smell