rich66 ~~: step into it
rich66 ~~: two friends fishing on a Saturday afternoon
rich66 ~~: Goodbye Block Island, we shall return!!!
rich66 ~~: Cutting through the Fog
rich66 ~~: North Light Shore Line
rich66 ~~: I Keep on Fallin'
rich66 ~~: treasure behind the falls
rich66 ~~: White Blazes
rich66 ~~: Along the river some Xmas Trees are hiding
rich66 ~~: around the bend, into the fog
rich66 ~~: wetlands
rich66 ~~: just the perfect treasure to stumble upon
rich66 ~~: White Blazes (Northgate Falls)
rich66 ~~: Enders State Forest Waterfall
rich66 ~~: chasin' waterfalls
rich66 ~~: on edge
rich66 ~~: Enders State Forest
rich66 ~~: Northgate Falls
rich66 ~~: slicing through the valley
rich66 ~~: The Last Days of Autumn Color in Riverton
rich66 ~~: Marsh Eco - Autumn
rich66 ~~: enjoying the Holiday weekend
rich66 ~~: Eco-Solitude
rich66 ~~: "Hello....I Live Here"
rich66 ~~: What lies before us and what lies behind us is tiny compared to what lies within us
rich66 ~~: never ending
rich66 ~~: Muskrat
rich66 ~~: Marsh
rich66 ~~: dream a little dream