rich66 ~~: A Jewel among the blades of grass
rich66 ~~: Attacus Atlas
rich66 ~~: should I stay or should I go?
rich66 ~~: Rice Paper Butterfly
rich66 ~~: Tiger Swallowtail
rich66 ~~: Fast-Flying Visitor
rich66 ~~: Beauty on Bee Balm
rich66 ~~: Tiger Swallowtail
rich66 ~~: Hold On Tight To Your Dreams
rich66 ~~: hello there, nice to see you
rich66 ~~: Feeding Frenzy
rich66 ~~: color me beautiful
rich66 ~~: log rolling?
rich66 ~~: hold on tight to your dreams
rich66 ~~: Oh yes, wait a minute Mr. Postman
rich66 ~~: a splash of blue
rich66 ~~: I see your true colors shining through
rich66 ~~: Black Beauty
rich66 ~~: the beauty of nature
rich66 ~~: on the launchpad, ready for take-off
rich66 ~~: "Take the shot already, I'm holding on for dear life and could fall off at any moment"
rich66 ~~: across its wings in a criss cross web, a scared geometry dances in its veins.
rich66 ~~: Have a Great Weekend!
rich66 ~~: Indian Leaf Bokeh....HBW!
rich66 ~~: Glasswing Butterfly
rich66 ~~: perfect alignment
rich66 ~~: Dude Looks Like a Lady
rich66 ~~: A quick escape captured by my camera
rich66 ~~: HBW :)
rich66 ~~: A Postman Bokeh...HBW :)