rich66 ~~: The prodigal daughter returns...
rich66 ~~: Wild Turkeys
rich66 ~~: Welcome Back
rich66 ~~: Surveying Her World
rich66 ~~: She's Back!
rich66 ~~: Strike a Pose
rich66 ~~: majestic
rich66 ~~: a little peck
rich66 ~~: just hanging around
rich66 ~~: It's all shells, where's the food?
rich66 ~~: found a treasure on an overcast Sunday.
rich66 ~~: The Better to See You With My Dear
rich66 ~~: early evening snack (num, num, num)
rich66 ~~: Trusting
rich66 ~~: if you lead a gull to water, can you make him drink?
rich66 ~~: Shy Guy
rich66 ~~: Just a couple of chicks sitting around talking
rich66 ~~: Quiet Patience
rich66 ~~: Balancing Act
rich66 ~~: It's Mine, All Mine I Tell Ya
rich66 ~~: Yeah...No, that's a little too cold for me (alternate title, "You put your right foot in, You put right foot out")
rich66 ~~: ~Stand~
rich66 ~~: chronicles
rich66 ~~: Foraging
rich66 ~~: Is there any seed up there?
rich66 ~~: Making bacon makes me thirsty!
rich66 ~~: I'm on Holiday!!
rich66 ~~: Barred Owls