rich66 ~~: white out
rich66 ~~: some like it hot, some like it cold
rich66 ~~: You can weigh me down but my spirit will not be broken
rich66 ~~: frozen in time
rich66 ~~: Udder Blue Coldness
rich66 ~~: Ice, Ice Baby
rich66 ~~: Cracked
rich66 ~~: stranded
rich66 ~~: Creek at St. Andrew's Church
rich66 ~~: still flowing~~~
rich66 ~~: Icy Bases
rich66 ~~: What run-off does on cold days!
rich66 ~~: Frozen Flow
rich66 ~~: Hanging By A Moment
rich66 ~~: Still Flowing
rich66 ~~: Geometric Fractures
rich66 ~~: The Big Chill
rich66 ~~: Captured by the Ice Cascade
rich66 ~~: Icicles & Run-off