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Floating In & Out of Explore by rich66 ~~
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rich66 ~~
lost in a sea of blue and green
rich66 ~~
Attacus Atlas
rich66 ~~
Like the yolk inside an egg
rich66 ~~
Emergence After the Rain
rich66 ~~
purple powder puffs stand tall watching over the smaller plants
rich66 ~~
4 sentries decked out in royal blue standing watch over the garden
rich66 ~~
she wore a dress of pink and white
rich66 ~~
starting to pop
rich66 ~~
I see your true colors shining through
rich66 ~~
rich66 ~~
golden girl
rich66 ~~
Black Beauty
rich66 ~~
the beauty of nature
rich66 ~~
on the launchpad, ready for take-off
rich66 ~~
rich66 ~~
the thunderous cacaphony of peeling paint drowns the silence
rich66 ~~
I bow in your presence
rich66 ~~
A Dahlia Grows in Connecticut
rich66 ~~
cherish the joy
rich66 ~~
One of the reasons I love New England
rich66 ~~
Daytripping in Vermont
rich66 ~~
let your inner light and beauty show
rich66 ~~
pretty little maids all in a bokeh row
rich66 ~~
The Mill in The Meadow
rich66 ~~
to the gypsy that remains
rich66 ~~
"Take the shot already, I'm holding on for dear life and could fall off at any moment"
rich66 ~~
across its wings in a criss cross web, a scared geometry dances in its veins.
rich66 ~~
Misty Morning Lift-Off
rich66 ~~
Bee Balm Bokeh
rich66 ~~
Siss Boom Bah!
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