The Food Pornographer: Pixel at the table
The Food Pornographer: Billy Lee likes the Santa mat
The Food Pornographer: Pixel at the table
The Food Pornographer: Basting the ham
The Food Pornographer: Basting the ham
The Food Pornographer: Basting the ham
The Food Pornographer: Basting the ham
The Food Pornographer: Basting the ham
The Food Pornographer: Mixing batter
The Food Pornographer: Cooking station out on the patio
The Food Pornographer: Cooking station out on the patio
The Food Pornographer: Poffertjes and the first waffles (kinda ugly! LOL)
The Food Pornographer: Billy Lee watches as we cook
The Food Pornographer: Billy Lee watches as we cook
The Food Pornographer: Poffertjes and waffles
The Food Pornographer: Poffertjes and waffles
The Food Pornographer: Poffertjes cooking
The Food Pornographer: Poffertjes cooking
The Food Pornographer: Poffertjes cooking
The Food Pornographer: Poffertjes and waffles
The Food Pornographer: Poffertjes and waffles
The Food Pornographer: The last waffles
The Food Pornographer: The first bacon
The Food Pornographer: Slicing up the ham
The Food Pornographer: Slicing up the ham
The Food Pornographer: Slicing up the ham
The Food Pornographer: Slicing up the ham