Rice and D:
Rice and D:
Rice and D:
The standard Prom Picture
Rice and D:
Rice and D:
The Johnny Bronze Jacket....
Rice and D:
Yay! There's alcohol at this prom!
Rice and D:
prom decorations
Rice and D:
I got to show off my stars in this dress
Rice and D:
alcohol is slowly kicking in
Rice and D:
Cheesy Prom pictures
Rice and D:
Rice and D:
who is that mysterious man at the bar?
Rice and D:
Fake Flower Corsage
Rice and D:
Rice and D:
Key Club dance floor
Rice and D:
everyone's now intoxicated and having a blast
Rice and D:
Cool couple we met who loved Rice's jacket
Rice and D:
Rice and D:
Rice had quite a few Martini's.....
Rice and D:
Thanks for the shoes Cristen!
Rice and D:
Prom Sweeties
Rice and D:
This is my drink and that's THAT!
Rice and D:
beware! Redhead on the dance floor
Rice and D:
random crowd shot
Rice and D:
cheers (and jeers) for the Prom Court
Rice and D:
Stephy S. the events' coordinator
Rice and D:
But first we got an advertisement for the scooter place. No idea where it is.
Rice and D:
The scooter give-away