Richard Wintle: My new insect friend
Richard Wintle: Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
Richard Wintle: The Fishers.
Richard Wintle: Another dragonfly - Canada Darner
Richard Wintle: The Fishers - BW
Richard Wintle: White-Tailed Deer, Desert Lake, Ontario
Richard Wintle: Dragonfly
Richard Wintle: Damselfly
Richard Wintle: Dragonfly. Again.
Richard Wintle: Another unknown dragonfly, Desert Lake, Ontario, Canada
Richard Wintle: Hello...
Richard Wintle: Wings forward!
Richard Wintle: Ruby-Throated Hummingbird, perching
Richard Wintle: Ruby-Throated Hummingbird, sticking its tongue out
Richard Wintle: Ruby-Throated Hummingbird, in flight