Richard Wintle: kaleidoscope 1
Richard Wintle: kaleidoscope 2
Richard Wintle: kaleidoscope 3
Richard Wintle: kaleidoscope 4
Richard Wintle: trivet 2
Richard Wintle: clockwork mechanism 1
Richard Wintle: clockwork mechanism 2
Richard Wintle: pinking up
Richard Wintle: heart of stone
Richard Wintle: Battered, but not broken.
Richard Wintle: Knight's belt
Richard Wintle: A Knight's best friend...
Richard Wintle: WWI Medallion
Richard Wintle: Love, snowman.
Richard Wintle: Completely unnecessary and pointless photograph of a screwdriver at f/1.8, because I can.
Richard Wintle: Onslaught
Richard Wintle: Onslaught II
Richard Wintle: Ring Gear
Richard Wintle: Shameless self-promotional plug for the book that I happen to be in.
Richard Wintle: Possibly pointless photograph of a clock and some books
Richard Wintle: Enforkening
Richard Wintle: Christmas Tree vs. Lensball
Richard Wintle: Christmas Tree vs. Lensball
Richard Wintle: Christmas Tree vs. Lensball
Richard Wintle: Lensball - Christmas Tree
Richard Wintle: When the turkey dinner's over
Richard Wintle: When the turkey dinner's over