riblet: The annual Halloween show
riblet: Cab Calloway Orchestra
riblet: Robert Plant loves Cab
riblet: Oasis dude
riblet: Katy
riblet: I can't believe I missed the Mac!
riblet: Oasis dude in awe of Heart
riblet: Leon and his little brown bag
riblet: Finally, Led Zeppelin!
riblet: Robert Plant
riblet: Robert Plan's chest glory
riblet: More plant
riblet: Page, too.
riblet: In case you haven't seen
riblet: Here's even more
riblet: John Paul Jones
riblet: You can't get enough
riblet: This is rock and roll
riblet: Finally, more chest!
riblet: Phil Lynott
riblet: More Lizzy
riblet: Lacking in vitamin Phil?
riblet: They basically shredded.
riblet: Sir Elton John
riblet: Talk about Charles
riblet: Ladies and gentlemen
riblet: Moon boots
riblet: Charles and Dillon canoodling
riblet: Le on and Ahn Le.