Ribbit Voice: Cliff Hall, PureMVC guru set up and ready to go
Ribbit Voice: Cliff Hall, PureMVC
Ribbit Voice: Brendan, on the other side of the suite at the controls
Ribbit Voice: IMG_0219
Ribbit Voice: Brendan Lee, Ribbit
Ribbit Voice: IMG_0221
Ribbit Voice: Cliff Hall and the famous Pirate Radio Flag
Ribbit Voice: IMG_0227
Ribbit Voice: Mike enjoying a beer while watching the PureMVC steam
Ribbit Voice: watching the Pirate Radio stream from the Ribbit Suite
Ribbit Voice: DSC_0672
Ribbit Voice: DSC_0673
Ribbit Voice: DSC_0677
Ribbit Voice: DSC_0687
Ribbit Voice: DSC_0700
Ribbit Voice: DSC_0709