riastr: 1st photo of the day
riastr: roomie Jay
riastr: Miranda
riastr: Mirandas photo of us
riastr: condiments
riastr: breakfast
riastr: sticker
riastr: i love you face
riastr: lonely chair
riastr: telephone wire
riastr: cutest house on the block
riastr: greetings
riastr: New Tattoo
riastr: bloomers
riastr: cupcake
riastr: Danielle face
riastr: Purple
riastr: Walk back home
riastr: Blue truck
riastr: Von & Kitty
riastr: polaroid group 1
riastr: polaroid group 2
riastr: polaroid group 3
riastr: polaroid group 4
riastr: polaroid group 5