Ria Rotscheidt: At the end of a beautiful day.....
Ria Rotscheidt: Light and shadow
Ria Rotscheidt: Notre Dame Basilica
Ria Rotscheidt: Reflections
Ria Rotscheidt: Olympisch stadion
Ria Rotscheidt: Montmorency Falls
Ria Rotscheidt: Shopping Mall
Ria Rotscheidt: I'll sing a song for you ma'm....
Ria Rotscheidt: Changing of the guard
Ria Rotscheidt: Bèhhhhhhh
Ria Rotscheidt: Quebec on bike
Ria Rotscheidt: The end of the road
Ria Rotscheidt: A rainy day
Ria Rotscheidt: Those were the days....
Ria Rotscheidt: Waiting for the ferry
Ria Rotscheidt: View over Toronto
Ria Rotscheidt: The past
Ria Rotscheidt: Frontenac
Ria Rotscheidt: Line up!