rhythmical_symmetry: my baby and me................
rhythmical_symmetry: i'm king of papago....................
rhythmical_symmetry: my spot on top of papago mountian
rhythmical_symmetry: my hass!! looks like an angel to me!
rhythmical_symmetry: me in a tree, happy as can be :)
rhythmical_symmetry: this is me when i was just a small, cute innocent little girl......ha!
rhythmical_symmetry: cheesy kids :) Jennifer and me in oregon
rhythmical_symmetry: eye love u seester
rhythmical_symmetry: my seester and i :)
rhythmical_symmetry: my grandmother, my sister jennifer and I getting our nails painted
rhythmical_symmetry: my sexy mama with her horses
rhythmical_symmetry: mushka my love
rhythmical_symmetry: i'll be your shoulder
rhythmical_symmetry: my personal favorite
rhythmical_symmetry: fresh cut grass smells like watermelon... to me :)
rhythmical_symmetry: eye shot the sherrif
rhythmical_symmetry: can you hear me now?
rhythmical_symmetry: my GRANDmother :), me, my cousin kenny, my sister jennifer and my Grandfather (Big Ken:) in Clarkston, WA (1985)